Parents Zone

Let your child learn to face failure

Parenting Tips

October 2022

Written by: Director of Curriculum and Training, Financial Education Association       Mr. Kwan Hin Bun

In many cases, the biggest blow to a child is not the failure itself, but his or her understanding of the failure. For example, if a child is not selected to represent the school in an inter-school competition, the usual reason they think of is that they are not as good as their classmates. But there may be other reasons behind it. Maybe the teacher is worried that if he gets hurt, he won’t be able to represent the school in other more important competitions. This is not to teach children to avoid responsibility, but sometimes we need to make them understand that it is indeed their own factors that lead to failure.

Parents need to remind their children that anyone who starts something will always have difficulty. Parents should encourage their children to persevere to the end, without taking the requirement of perfection too seriously. Don’t be impatient to provide help to your child; let them try to meet the challenge in a different way. For example, if your child has difficulty learning to write Chinese characters, let him or her copy them first.

As children, their attitudes toward people and things around them are often unstable and easily influenced by emotions and other factors. When faced with difficulties and failures, they tend to develop negative emotions and fail to deal with failures with the right attitude, thus creating resilience. At this time, parents should tell their children in time, failure is not terrible, as long as a little brave can do a good job, learn from the failure to see how to do next time. Parents should consciously use their children’s failures as educational opportunities to guide their children to regain their courage and try again with boldness and confidence. At the same time, educate your child to face difficulties and setbacks, to improve the ability to overcome difficulties and resilience.


In life, no one can remain unbeaten for a long time, like China’s “hurdle king” Liu Xiang who also lost in the London Olympics. Only those who are brave enough to face failure will have the chance to show their smiles of success again.

Parents should know how to teach their children to be brave in the face of failure, because no one is always successful in life. We understand from childhood that “failure is the mother of success”, so there is nothing to be afraid of when we face up to failure. However, if we look at our understanding of this statement, we should focus on “success” rather than “failure”, so that our recognition of failure is still conditional. When failure is no guarantee of future success, Failure, is still a shame and a sin. Therefore, parents must be clear about whether they are teaching their children to face failure or to avoid it!

Parents Zone



October 2022

撰文:財商教育協會課程及培訓總監 關顯彬先生






Parents Zone

醒腦提神 增強記憶力 可以吃甚麼?


October 2022

撰文: 註冊營養師(澳洲) 鍾蓉文





奧米加3脂肪酸如EPA和DHA,是構成大腦細胞膜及神經組織主要元素,維持神經系統訊息的正常傳遞,有助保持良好記憶力。奧米加3脂肪酸可從進食深海魚如三文魚、吞拿魚、鯖魚等攝取,筆者建議一星期進食 2 至 3 餐,每餐約2至 3 安士(即手掌心的大小)。另外,杏仁、合桃、牛油果等亦含豐富奧米加3脂肪酸。





鐵質是製造紅血球的主要元素,為腦運送足夠氧氣及營養,幫助保持頭腦清醒。紅肉類如牛肉、羊肉和駝鳥肉含豐富鐵質,筆者建議一星期可進食 2 至 3 餐,每餐約 2 至 3 安士。鐵質亦可從深綠色蔬菜如菠菜和紅腰豆等攝取,但由於植物性鐵質較難被人體吸收,因此同一餐可進食含豐富維他命C的食物,如橙、奇異果和蕃茄等,以增加吸收。



壓力及不良飲食會增加體內自由基,破壞身體細胞及加速退化,或會令記憶力受損。維他命A、C及E 均有抗氧化功能,可保護腦細胞免受自由基破壞,防止記憶力衰退。含豐富維他命A食物包括紅蘿蔔、南瓜和菠菜等;維他命E 亦可從果仁、雞蛋和乾豆中攝取。
